The candidates 'strategies are shaped by many considerations, including the constitutional provision that each state shall have electoral votes equal in number to its representation in Congress. 候选人的策略的形成要考虑到许多因素,包括宪法的这一条款:每个州具有的选举人的票数与其在国会中的代表人数相同。
Identifying the standard form of a number given its place value representation. 通过表示一个数字的数值来识别其标准形式。
To convert data from fixed-point number representation to floating-point representation. 将定点数表示转换为浮点数表示。
Most commonly, a digit that arises when the sum or product of two or more digits equals or exceeds the radix of the number representation system. 最常用的是指当两个或多个数的和或积等于或大于记数系统的基数时出现的进位数。
A number representation system with a base of eight. 一种以8为基数的数字表示方法。
A class of similarity measures between Vague sets based the three-dimensional number representation is presented. 本文利用代数张量积的几个性质,证明了有关表示维数的一个结果。
By using real number coding chromosome representation, two evolutionary algorithms to TSP are designed. 采用实数编码的染色体表示方式,先后自行设计实现了两种演化算法求解TSP问题。
It defines the semantic properties of agents as some real number, and to be representation in a tabular according to Soft sets theory, which is a novel general mathematical tool very suitable for dealing with uncertainties. 将系统中智能体的语义属性采用实系数来定义,并将其以表格的形式采用一种新的处理不确定性问题通用的数学工具&柔集合理论来表示。
Treating the anharmonic terms of potential energy as perturbations, and employing the formulas for atomic displacements and Hamiltonian in phonon occupation number representation, the formulas for thermal expansion coefficients of crystal nano-wires are derived and the numerical calculations are carried out in this paper. 将原子间相互作用势的非谐项作为微扰,运用声子数表象中的晶格原子振动位移和晶格振动哈密顿公式,推导了纳米晶体线的热膨胀系数公式,并进行了数值计算。
The specific requirements of optical wavelet filter applying into optical image compression system are discussed in the fourth part, we analyze deeply the aspects of real number representation in wavelet frequency domain and accuracy of optical wavelet filter. 对于光学小波滤波器应用于光学系统的特殊要求在本论文的第四部分进行研究,该部分深入研究了小波频域实数形式和精度等要求。
In additon, by analysing the equivalence relation of the RMB number representation and Chinese literal notation in the matter of mathematics, the paper gives common descriptions of the mathematical model of the conversion arithmetic, and the proof. 文章通过分析人民币的数值表示法与人民币中文大写表示法在数学意义上的等价关系,得出了转换算法实现的一般性数学描述和数学模型,并给出了具体的证明。
A number representation of chemical groups for estimating polymer properties with computer 化学基团的数字表示法及高分子基团加合性质的计算机计算
Neuropsychological studies of number processing indicated that this representation is distributed in the two hemispheres and its dominant site points to inferior parietal cortex. 神经心理学的研究证实数字加工的这种数量表达分布于两半球,其优势区位于下顶叶皮质区。
Particle Number Representation: It Origin and Applications 占有数表象的由来和应用
According to the requirements of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms 'VLSI implementation, this paper presents a novel very long integer division algorithm based on the SD ( signed digit) number representation. The implementation logic of the SD division unit is discussed in detail. 针对公钥密码算法VLSI实现需要,本文在介绍SD数据表示的基础提出了一种新的大数除法算法,并给出了其VLSI实现逻辑结构。
By using the custom fixed-point number representation, the design and simulation of each module and the algorithm are completed, and the simulation results are analyzed. 依据自定义定点数格式,对整个算法进行了设计。完成了其中各子模块及整个算法的设计和仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析。
Number Representation Neural Network Model and Its Application to Power System Expansion Planning 数字编码神经网络模型及其在电力系统发展规划中的应用
Based on the 18-bit floating number representation, the improved multiplier, division, adder and comparator is given, and then the floating arithmetic is completed. 基于18位自定义浮点数格式给出了改进的乘法器、除法器、加法器和比较器,并在此基础上利用已有的算法结构实现了浮点算法。
A novel additive arithmetic algorithm using radix-2 signed-digit ( SD) number representation is presented. It can resolve the problem that speed of arithmetic operations is limited by carry propagation in a conventional binary system. 本文提出了一种以SD(SingedDigit)数表示的求和计算方法,克服了传统的二进制数表示求和过程中产生的进位对运算速度的限制。
From Maxwell equations for free space and by converting the amplitudes in Fourier expansion of the vector potential into operators according to quantisation correspondence, this paper obtains Hamiltonian operator, which quantises the electromagnetic field, and introduces the number state representation for the field. 本文从真空中麦克斯韦方程组出发,通过把矢势的Fourier展开式中的振幅按照量子化对应化为算符,得到了哈密顿算符,从而实现了电磁场的量子化,同时给出了电磁场的数态描述。
Concerning the system of N particles in three dimensions space, besides position and momentum representations the Boson number representation has been introduced. 对三维空间中N个粒子系统除位置与动量二表象外,引出了一种玻色子数表象。
High-Performance VLSI Implementation of Very Long Integer Division Based on the SD Number Representation 基于SD数据表示的大数除法VLSI高速实现
Thus, a novel addition arithmetic algorithm using radix-2 signed-digit ( SD) number representation is presented. In this paper, a p-digit radix-2 SD number system is introduced to simplify the addition operation. 文中提出了一种以2为基数的SD(Singed-Digit)数表示的求和计算方法,并在此基础上应用可编程逻辑器件设计实现了SD加法器,简化了求和运算过程。
Schrodinger Equation of Identical Particles in Occupation Number Representation 全同粒子在占有数表象的薛定锷方程
According to the prime number representation, the paper researches the method of High-speed calculation safety prime number. 文章根据素数的特殊表示法研究了一种高速的安全素数算法。
The number of the representation used by students was not significantly related to working memory capacity, but the valid use of the representation was significantly related to working memory capacity. 工作记忆容量与小学六年级学生问题表征方式的使用次数无关,但与小学六年级学生问题表征方式使用的有效性有关。
The difference equation for lattice dynamics Green's functions of a crystal nano-wire are solved, the lattice vibrations are analyzed, and the formulas for atomic displacements and Hamiltonian in phonon occupation number representation are obtained. 通过求解差分方程,推导了纳米晶体线的晶格动力学格林函数,分析了其晶格振动,并推导了声子数表象中的原子位移及晶格振动哈密顿公式。
The paper introduces the general arithmetic conversion of the RMB number representation and Chinese literal notation, and the method to realize it. The research is of important significance to implement the electronic notes to replace all kinds of valuable bills. 任意人民币数字表示法与中文大写表示法的转换通用具体算法及其实现方法,在各种有价票据实现电子化过程中,具有非常重要的意义。
The Time Dependent Particle Number Representation and the Adiabatic Quantum Phase of the Generalized Time Dependent Harmonic Oscillator and Its Time Dependent Coherent States 广义含谐振子的含时粒子数表象及绝热量子相位和绝热含时相干态
As for the consideration of the influence on the service restoration for power load changing, this thesis proposed the interval number representation of distribution network service restoration evaluation indices. 考虑到负荷变化对恢复决策的影响,给出了故障恢复评价指标的区间数表示法。